
Posts Tagged ‘E. Nesbit’

I recently attended dars (religious lecture) where the mentor was explaining about how important it is to not waste time and utilize it well.

There were once 2 men in Delhi (India) who were visiting a Muslim scholar to take an oath/pledge. While they were at the mosque they began comparing the size of their mosque’s wodhu tank (wash basin) with the wodhu tank at this mosque. They were not aware how the Muslim scholar looked like, so continued discussing that, while the Muslim scholar was nearby and heard them.

When they came to him to take the oath the scholar said to them to go and measure their mosque’s wodhu basin (wash basin) with this mosque’s wodhu tank before taking any oath!

The 2 men uncertain at first, realized that the scholar said this because they were wasting their time.

Clock tower in Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Just yesterday I heard this incident and today I got to know a colleague of mine, Saad,  who’s senior to me was telling us about his article ship days (intern ships for chartered accountancy students) in KPMG company. He told his company he would not be able to work before 10 a.m. and after 6 p.m. and on the weekends (Saturdays and Sundays). The reason was that he had a job in Hyderabad (2 hour drive from Karachi– the place he was in). He taught students accountancy in Hyderabad and used to go there on Fridays nights. There were times he used to reach Karachi on Monday mornings straight at the office! Plus after some time, during his article ship days, he opened his own institute under his dad’s name (because it’s not allowed for students doing article ship to open an institute). He spent time over there as well and still does. He teaches many commerce related subjects and I have attended his classes for one of my subjects, corporate reporting. I found him a really good teacher. That’s obvious as he has masha Allah worked so hard for where he is now.

Even at dars, the scholar said we can’t imagine the sawab we get from Allah (SWT) treasures when we recite Subhan Allah. So why not should we recite Alhumdulilah, Astaghfirulla and these beautiful words more often (while at the car, while sitting idle etc or even specifically taking time out to recite them.)

I read Railway Children by E. Nesbit during childhood and remember a part of it: When Peter’s at the bridge doing nothing he says that doing something in a place makes it much more beautiful and lively.

So let’s  utilize our time and make our surroundings more beautiful and lively 🙂

Najma Aijaz, 15th April 2012

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